We will start with a quick overview of the field of Social Psychology.
There are two viewpoints that Social Psychologists use as lenses for examining the world. We can study the way individuals perceive and understand their social environment. Or we can study people in groups and seek to understand behaviors in the context of the social setting. In our OB class,we'll take both perspectives.
Topics to cover on this day include:
- Kurt Lewin and field theory
- Solomon Asch and conformity
- Stanley Milgram and obedience to authority
- Henry Murray and the TAT
- David McClelland’s nAch, nAff and nPow
- Irving Janis and groupthink
- Robert F. Bales and SYMLOG
- The Story of Kitty Genovese
On Day 1, we'll also discuss therules of engagement for the class, how we'll use technology, and what the group project will be about.
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The Milgram Study
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Poem about the Dutton and Aron study, called Rope Bridge, by Nan Cohen.
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The famous Solomon Asch Study on Conformity.
I'm interested and delighted to see that my poem is a part of your Organizational Behavior class. I learned about the study in Professor Judith Rodin's Psychology 110 class at Yale University. Dr. Audrey Shafer has written about the connection between the study and the poem in Academic Medicine: http://litmed.med.nyu.edu/Annotation?action=view&annid=12800 .
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For more :
History Of Organizational Behaviour Studies
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